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Latest Videos

Explore our extensive video series, each crafted to meet the needs of chess players at varying skill levels. Whether you’re a novice eager to grasp the fundamentals or a seasoned player focused on refining your strategies, our carefully selected videos offer insights for everyone.

Learn by Gameplay

Welcome to the captivating world of chess analysis in our ‘Learn by Gameplay‘ series. Prepare to be amazed as Grand Master Dragan Šolak and Vaso Blesić dissects the moves of the players and unveils the hidden intricacies of their strategies.

Whether you’re looking to learn new tactics or simply enjoy high-level play, this analysis is sure to enrich your understanding of the game.

GM Dragan Šolak (2603)


GM Throstur Thorhallsson (2441)

FM Arshak Ramazian (2336)


GM Dragan Šolak (2610)

Ian Nepomniachtchi (2784)


Maxim Matlakov (2698)

Master the Endgame

The endgame might seem daunting, but with the right strategies and a bit of practice, you can turn those tense moments into triumphant victories.

From basic principles to advanced techniques, these videos cover a range of topics designed to enhance your understanding and execution of endgame scenarios. Dive in and start your journey towards endgame mastery!

Master the Endgame

- Position 1 -

Master the Endgame

- Position 20 -

Chess through time

Discover how chess has been shaped by cultures around the world, influencing and being influenced by them in turn.

“Chess Through Time” offers a captivating glimpse into the enduring legacy of this intellectual sport. Uncover the stories, the legends, and the transformations that have made chess an immortal game.

Tigran Petrosian


Mikhail Botvinik

Interesting facts

In this section, you’ll discover a collection of fascinating facts that reveal the rich history, unexpected quirks, and global impact of this timeless game.

From its ancient origins to its role in modern technology and culture, chess is not just a test of intellect—it’s a mirror reflecting human creativity and challenge.

Interesting Facts

- Emanuel Lasker -